mc Group played a key role in organizing and managing the annual event of the European Fund for Regional Development (EFRE) for the State of Thuringia. The event brought together stakeholders from various sectors to reflect on the achievements of the EFRE program and to discuss the future direction of funding for the region. mc Group Continue Reading
As a global communications agency, mc Group had the privilege of playing a pivotal role in organizing the press coverage of the world’s largest gathering of scientists and futurists in Dubai, a flagship initiative of the Dubai Future Foundation (DFF). This premier event brought together scientists from over 100 countries at the Dubai Future Forum to Continue Reading
mc Group Shines a Spotlight on Egypt at WTM London
The World Travel Market (WTM) London, one of the world’s most renowned travel fairs, serves as a global gateway for tourism. mc Group successfully positioned Egypt as a leading destination at this prestigious event, collaborating with the Egyptian Tourism Authority to showcase the country’s rich heritage and ambitious vision to a global audience. Our team worked Continue Reading
MC Group successfully completed a strategic PR campaign for the Egyptian Tourism Authority (ETA) during the Arabian Travel Market (ATM) 2024. Our team facilitated high-profile media exposure, securing interviews for key figures such as Egypt’s Vice Minister of Tourism, Dr. Ghada Shalaby, and the CEO of the ETA, Mr. Amr El Kady. The interviews were featured in prominent outlets including Continue Reading
mc Group Drives Impactful Campaign on Water Scarcity and Climate Change in the MENA region
mc Group is proud to announce the successful completion of a comprehensive communication campaign for the European Union Climate Dialogues (EUCDs) project, targeting the critical issue of water scarcity in the MENA region. The project was managed by our Core Management Team in Berlin and our network agencies in Cairo and Rabat. During the campaign, mc Continue Reading
The campaign executed by mc Group for the Ras Al-Khair Special Economic Zone (SEZ) was a comprehensive effort aimed at bolstering the zone’s global visibility and positioning it as a premier investment destination, especially in the maritime and offshore sectors. To achieve this, mc Group employed a multi-faceted communication strategy combining public relations, digital media, and strategic advertising. By targeting Continue Reading
mc group Positions Egypt as Top Destination for Sustainable Tourism at Berlins ITB Fair (ITB) 2024
mc Group successfully developed a strategic campaign for Egypt at ITB Berlin 2024, securing exclusive interviews for the Egyptian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities with seven prominent media outlets across television, radio, print, and online platforms. Leveraging its expertise as Germany's leading global PR agency, mc Group positioned Egypt as a top destination for sustainable tourism at one of the Continue Reading
The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos is an annual gathering that brings together global leaders from politics, business, and civil society to discuss pressing international issues. It serves as a platform for shaping global, regional, and industry agendas. At the 2024 forum, mc Group provided strategic PR support to the UAE delegation, boosting their presence through high-profile media engagement Continue Reading
Mc Group partnered with the World Health Organization (WHO) to launch an impactful campaign titled "Don’t Cancel Our Future. Help Us #CancelBigTobacco." This initiative urges youth to demand stronger regulations on tobacco marketing, raising awareness of the industry’s targeting of young audiences and the devastating impact of smoking on their health and future. At the heart of the campaign Continue Reading
Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, plays a crucial role in providing high-quality statistical information to the institutions of the EU, promoting informed decision-making and policy development. Within this framework, the European Statistical System (ESS) encompasses a network of national statistical institutes and Eurostat, working collaboratively to ensure the availability of reliable and comparable Continue Reading
We are proud to announce the successful completion of a comprehensive video production campaign for AOK Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland, one of Germany's leading health insurance providers. MC Group was tasked with conceptualizing, producing, and delivering a series of videos aimed at promoting health and wellness to AOK’s 1.2 million insured members. From start to finish, we ensured that each video adhered Continue Reading
Slalom Global Consulting soon to open office in Munich, Germany The global consulting firm Slalom, with Headquarters in Seattle, and offices in the UK, US, Japan, Canada and Australia, has announced at the beginning of May the opening of its first EU office in Munich. For this occasion, mc Group has been granted the responsibility to prepare and launch Continue Reading
DG Echo #ClimateConnect campaign goes live
DG ECHO #ClimateConnect campaign goes live After the Civil Protection and #SaferTogether campaigns happening during the past two years, mc Group is collaborating again with the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO), this time joining the more and more intense fight against climate change. The #ClimateConnect campaign is now live for a period Continue Reading
"Katar Entdecken": the website to discover Qatar goes live With every day getting closer to the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™, Qatar is under the global spotlight. mc Group launched the website "Katar Entdecken", which acts as an information hub for people that want to learn more about the country of Qatar and the many opportunities it offers. The website Continue Reading
News News News News News News News News News News News News News News News News News News News News News News News News News News News News News News
Europe-wide influencer campaign promotes European Year of Rail
Europe-wide influencer campaign promotes European Year of Rail 2021 was the year of rail. As part of the European Year of Rail, a special EU train criss-crossed the continent from 2 September to 7 October 2021, stopping in over 100 cities in 26 countries: The Connecting Europe Express! In order to spread the awareness and impact of the campaign Continue Reading
EU Code Week is a vibrant celebration of creativity and problem-solving through technology, which gained global attention with its grassroots movement promoting coding across all age groups. Building on the success of 2019, when over 4.2 million participants engaged in more than 72,000 activities across Continue Reading
mc Group is prepared with its team for a more exciting 2022 Under strict 2G+ rules, mc Group closed its last working day of 2021 with a Christmas party. 2021 has been an exciting year. The agency has successfully completed major campaigns for global clients, expanded its global partner and influencer network, and welcomed more new employees. It is Continue Reading
"Ins Netz gehen": New website of the Federal Centre for Health Education goes online After weeks of design and programming work, the new information portal on young people's media use has been completed and can now be reached online. mc Group was commissioned by the BZgA with the complete revision and final relaunch of the "Going online" portal. In Continue Reading
mc Group cooperates with Qatar Financial Centre in the field of Sports Tech Together with the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC), the mc Group held the webinar "Emerging Opportunities in Sport Technology: Qatar & Germany" on 22 February. Various stakeholders from the sports tech industry in Qatar discussed the future of this technology field and presented the state of Qatar Continue Reading
mc Vietnam appointed with anti-COVID-19 campaign
mc Vietnam appointed with anti-COVID-19 campaign In Vietnam, over 1,300 people are currently infected with COVID-19 (as of 09.12.2020). Vietnam is generally considered the model country during the corona crisis, as there were no new infections in the country for 99 days from May to July. This is partly due to the information and awareness campaign organized and implemented Continue Reading
Over 700 participants at virtual German-Brazilian animal welfare congress The German-Brazilian Animal Welfare Congress is regarded as a platform to continue and intensify the dialogue and cooperation between Germany and Brazil on the protection of small animals and farm animals. But the COVID 19 crisis in particular threatens to make the welfare of small and farm animals forgotten. For Continue Reading
mc Group supports next generation of international scientists during corona pandemic Since 2009, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) has been awarding the Green Talents Award to 25 young international scientists every year. The DLR thus promotes the international exchange of innovative, green ideas from various research fields. This award recognises outstanding achievements in improving the sustainability of our society. Continue Reading
mc Group develops Facebook App
mc Group develops Facebook App EU citizens and businesses have rights that they are sometimes not fully aware of. That is why DG GROW (Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission) together with mc Group launched a promotional campaign to raise awareness about how EU citizens or a business can make the most Continue Reading
Support for the German Football Ambassador
Support for the German Football Ambassador Currently, more than 765 German football players and about 85 German football coaches are abroad (source: Many of them volunteer their time in their host countries, thus supporting not only football, but also a good cause. Since 2013, the Initiative Deutscher Fußball Botschafter e.V. has been honouring these football players and coaches Continue Reading
Digital Skills for all of Europe: mc Group communicates the EU Code Week mc Group is responsible for the communication of this year’s EU Code Week. The Europe-wide initiative, supported by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Communication Networks, Content and Technologies (DG Connect), encourages young people, adults and the elderly to get to know the world of programming, coding and technology. Therefore, Continue Reading
Social and Environmental Sustainability – mc supports the UN Global Compact for 12 years
Social and Environmental Sustainability - mc supports the UN Global Compact for 12 years We are pleased to present our twelfth annual Communication on Progress report. This report includes an introduction to our company and our values and shares our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) performance. mc Group has been committed to social responsibility even before signing the United Nations Global Compact twelve years ago. As a mission-oriented company, Continue Reading
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS - MC GROUP SUPPORTS UN COMMUNICATION ON PROGRESS In its 2018 report, mc Group addresses the topics of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), equal rights, working hours and employee satisfaction. mc Group has already been a member of the United Nations Global Compact since 2008 and publishes an annual report on the company. The document shows what Continue Reading
With the communication campaign "EU Saves Lives", mc Group once again draws attention to the humanitarian aid provided by DG ECHO of the European Commission. This year, the roadshow went into a second round. The background to the campaign is to draw more attention to EU humanitarian aid. After all, the EU is the world's largest provider of humanitarian aid Continue Reading
176 cyclists. 21 stages. A distance of almost 3,400 km. This was the Tour de France 2019, which led through Belgium and France in 23 days. On behalf of the Amaury Sport Organisation (A.S.O.), mc Group carried out the public relations work for the Tour de France this year. Every year in July, the Tour de France brings together the Continue Reading
mc Group promoted the European Games of the European Olympic Committee (EOC) in ten European countries, including Berlin, where the mc headquarters is located, Poland, Holland, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and also Israel. The European Games bring together the best European athletes in a selected country every four years. There, the athletes have the opportunity to qualify for Continue Reading